The Death Meditation : Die Before You Die

Guided meditation to help you focus on what is important and live in alignment with yourself

Guided Meditation Summary

The Death Meditation 21 min audio mp3
In this VUCA world we move around being very disconnected from ourselves. We forget that our time on  earth is limited. We move around without stopping by to think what our lives are all about.  
What are our lives meant for? What is our purpose? What is the legacy we want to leave? Are we honoring ourselves, our needs, our desires, our aspirations? Are we able to let go of our resentments, heal our hurts and hearts?  
 It is hard to examine our lives, but when we do so we can receive some wonderful gifts of insights to help us enrich our lives and that of others.We cna then focus on what is really important.  Meditate with me by hearing the accompanying audio file, to get answers to these questions and live in more alignment with yourself.

The Death Meditation Reflection Notes
Note your realizations from the meditation in the "The Death Meditation Reflection Notes. pdf".  This meditation helps you align with what is important for you, your needs, your aspirations, the things you need to change in your life now, the scripts you need to change and the amends you needs to make.
You will get some special insights as you do this meditation and it will be very helpful for you to note those down to know your true north and stay connected with it as you move forward in your life.

I am excited about the gifts this meditation can give you. Not just once, but at different times in your life. These files are yours for life.

Buy Now to get a 21 minute mp3 file and a document with questions to reflect on your meditation experience!

Namita Purohit

Namita is an engaged coach and trainer who has served 1000s across United States, Europe and India on emotional intelligence,self-awareness and inner balance. She was featured on KING 5 TV as an expert on Emotional Intelligence and Inner Stability

Namita has offered workshops/talks/coaching to more than 6000 people at Amazon, Costco, Bellevue College, Thinkspace, Cap Gemini, IIT Madras, Indian Army & Indian Navy to name a few. She is certified in Personal Counseling and Energy Healing. 

Additionally, Namita received the Gold Star Employee Award during her stint as a software engineer at Microsoft.

Namita has a holistic approach in working with the body, the mind & energy to bring about a sustainable change in her clients' patterns. She draws from psychotherapy along with the eastern methods of Ayurveda, Mindfulness & Energy Management in her coaching. 

Meditation Pricing

  • The Death Meditation : Die Before You Die
  • $47 USD

    Guided meditation to help you focus on what is important and live in alignment with yourself

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